As a website designer, I’ve been fortunate enough to be well-placed for working during the lockdown. Indeed, on the work front, it’s been pretty much business as usual: if anything it’s been busier, as I’ve had a lot of more general IT tasks to handle, from setting up SharePoint document libraries to helping people get to grips with Microsoft Teams.

I’m aware that a lot of businesses, small and large haven’t had that luxury, and are struggling at this time. I’d therefore like to offer to local businesses (Kington, Presteigne, that sort of geographical area – I won’t be too prescriptive):

  • A free half-hour’s worth of work on existing websites. So if you’re a small business owner and you need to update opening hours on your website, or just want to alert potential customers that you’re still open for business, I’ll do that for you without charge (assuming it can be done within half an hour).
  • Free IT advice on setting up your business for working remotely. If you’re not sure where to start – Zoom? Skype? Google Drive? Dropbox? Office 365? – I’ll happily have a quick chat with you to give you some ideas of which direction might be best for you.

All subject to availability, of course, while the coronavirus lockdown persists. In the meantime, please take care of yourself and those around you. We will get through this!